Note: Booking steps have changed. Please review this before starting your booking.

REQUIRED: You Must Register for An Event First

If you want to book accommodations without registering for an event, please click Guest Visit Request to submit your request for a guest visit.

We are moving to a new accommodation approach, so your booking experience will differ for some events.

With the new approach, the Accommodations tab will not be available. Instead, you can add accommodations to your booking after booking the event, similar to adding a meal to your booking.

For events that use our old approach,  you must click "+ Add to Booking" to add accommodations to your booking. After you've clicked + Add to Booking" then:

  1. Click/Tap the Accommodations tab. Its background color will turn to black when selected.
  2. Use the booking calendar on the left to set the Start and End dates to the exact dates of your Event. 
  3. Accommodations will appear on the right. Click/Tap the BOOK NOW button next to the Accommodation type you want to book.
  4. One or more popups will appear. Verify all dates in the popups are correct.
  5. After the last popup (there may be only one), you will be taken back to the BOOKING FORM, where you must select a bed type and fill out the remaining required information.

Detailed Booking Documentation

Help with booking a Mountain Retreat, Close Retreat and/or Fire Puja: How to Book a Jan - Feb Event.

New Booking:
Tue Jun 29, 2021

Checking Availability...